YGA Spring Conference 2016, Copenhagen

YGA Spring Conference 2016, Copenhagen

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

DeAr OcTuBrE!!

ay ay ay ooh Well, ooo well!!
a lot has happened since i last posted, unfortunately almost anything exciting has been part of it...
These past months have been insanely busy though
 Im going to quickly list what i have been up to
  • Im going  ISSS to therapy 3 days weekly .
  • I have been teaching to children in a public school for a month.
  •  My arm is still in pain but hopefully recovery will come soon.
  • Walking my parrots has become a rutine ;) ....really enjoy hanging out with them i love them!!
  • Insted of swimming, i use my time either running or gym 
  • Watching the boys hit the pool makes me envious of them :(
  • Homework, presentations, homework, exams, homework,exams, class, examenes , tareas, clases uusssh drives me nuts
  • Just in this last few moths i have read 4 books(Great Expectations, Sense and Sensibility, Macbeth and Frankeinstein) without counting the ones i read the rest of the year!! a new PB for me jaja.... i just figured out that reading has become a hobby now =) which im enjoying a lot.
As i say, it is unbelievable how times goes by. imagine, october is about to end and out of a sudden, 2010 will farewell us. Sometimes i feel desperated for my injure not healed and there are moments in which i get sad and depressed because of this fruitless 2010 sport season. Even though everything has been going downhill, i say to myself that i can get the possitive side out of this. If i cant swim nor bike (its been impossible for me  to get one still). Im able to run and improve my technique and strenght and  thats the best part of tri. If youre injured, there are 2 or 1 sport there for you, therefore, youre never inactive.

Yesterday, i made a presentation about SUPERVOLCANOS at Uni, and i was socked that a volcano in indonesia released its fury.After an earthquake and a tsunami , a volcano?? whats next???:S, i feel sad for this people, it shouldnt happen specially to vulnerable places . Today a Russian volacano woke up too. Nature is warning us and this may be the response more nature is giving. So i invite everybody to cheak our actions towards it. Later on, the consequences will hit us if we keep mistreating this wonderful world we call Earth; and maybe the wise words of  WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE make us think deeply ;)

"Life is tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"

Soni :)

    viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

    aaaaay no!! no no no mas por favor =( .... not again !!!

    wtf!! no more pleasee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy !!!! "·$%&@#~~€¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

     im sorry to start  this way but i dont know how to unburden myself !!!

    I cant beleive this is happening to me!!! im not in the best mood now, i dont know who to talk to :( ,,, this is not right, im not okay  neither physically nor mentally (im not crazy, though)..... so you may wonder why i am saying this by this blog. The truth is that i feel  im now in a dead end.

    1. The new change was suiting us, my new coaches are champions, it feels sooo different and peaceful, but i think that when you do not pay attention to your past injuries, consequences can show up again. So i was starting to feel awful when swimming the past 2 months , i knew it was not me, the hardest i swam, the most painful it felt. I could not believe it, i cried several times at the pool, i was unable to make a tough stroke because it hurt so bad. It has turned a nightmare when trying to swim, how come? why me again? the truth is that i have an injury in my pectoral, when i finished my swimming workouts, my left side looked swollen, more than the right one ( crap!! not again), i kept training since i did not want to stop and lose my fitness, but yesterday it waaaaaaaaay hurt, my pectoral had bursted so badly. I figured this could not keep going the same, i needed to do something.
    Thanks God my parents are always there for me, supporting and advising me. I went to see the dr. and he told me i had a serious tendinitis, same as last year, same place, same pain. I feel frustrated since i had taken a lot of medicines to lessen the pain this past 2 moths, but nothing had worked. Im soooo worried since i want to be healthy, i dont want to dissapoint anyone.So i just want to be back to normal, please arm, heal!!!!!.

    2. Its pretty tough when you want to move forward and succeed in this wonderful sport, specially if you had worked hard...  but there are factors that storm your effort such as the conditions and mean people.So, as you may know, i didnt have my No 1 weapon for the battle , my bike. Luckily, someone gave me a  suuuper frame, it was waaay too big for me, though :( but as you know, everything has a solution.
    My coach suggested to equip the new frame and bring my brothers bike to me since hes bike was my size. Therefore, i could have at least a bike for  training and.start gaining the fitness i had lost. Raul, my brother, felt he was riding a motocycle when he first rode this machine jajajajajaja, he did amazing in the last cycling race.

    I am sorry to spread my sorrow to you.....but in a possitive note, i finished my exams yesterday yay!! i am starting my practices at university and altough everything is turning more difficult, i think i am feeling waaaay happier since i will be finishing my degree pretty soon!!O well!! i know things may be tough sometimes, i just try to stay calm and not to freak out !! i know everything will be alright with my arm PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE.


    martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

    I Love El Salvador !!! =) muaaaa

    i loved working for my people and my comunity ... i want to share some videos
    una de mis mejores experiencias !!

    En Caluco, Sonsonate


    Entregando utiles a los nenes de la escuela de Caluco


    old ladys house was built


    fixing the abuelitas house


    sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

    One more year, a new start !!

    "Start by doing what's necessary;
    then do what's possible;
    and suddenly you are doing the impossible".

                                                             San Francisco de Asis.

    After reading this quote, i could see myself  in it. I cant believe how fast time flies by, wow!!!  now im 21 which means a new start, a new opportunity, new coaches :), and specially new challenges.
    A lot has happened this last few months, now my teammates and myself are more motivated than ever, this change has been a plus for all of us.
    So now we are starting little by little, with what it is possible, and with what it is necessary . I think everything happens for a reason, it is sad that ES athletes are with zero support and economical conditions are not in our favour,  it does not mean we are going to be depressed, resentful and stop training. Moreover, i am so proud of my sister Stefani for her hard work, she has been so determined in her training and hopefully, she will be a medallist in CODICADER games next month, Raul and Luisito are pushing themselves up too, they are doing their best and it will pay off in the long run. . Many thanx to Gatorade and everyone for their support and understanding.
    As for other news, i celebrated my birthday last Saturday, my friends  came over and we all had  a blast.

    sábado, 17 de julio de 2010

    holidays are over, loved them though :)..... .. now back to school !!

    Holaa... i cant belive how fast time has gone!!!
    A month ago i was so excited i had finished my 7th semester and now  im back to university again !!! jajaja ... impressive jujuju !!! ... it´s a good thing, though since i know that as long as this year finishes, i will miss only one year and hopefully i will finally get my degree, and im only 20!!...

    Well, this little break has been quite different from the others and i have to admit that it has been the best one ever!

    I spent my time with a foreign group from an Non gobernamental Organisation doing some social work for the Salvadorean community . We all built a school in Caluco, Sonsonate, and also delivered ecological stoves that  are very efficient as they burn much less wood and so ease the problem of deforestation. They're also nearly smokeless since it reduces the incidence of bronchitis and other bronchial problems among the mums and young women, this was in Cerro Las Flores. We also visited historical and arqueologhycal  places to learn about the Salvadorean history. We went to Coatepeque Lake and Metalio Beach !..
    I learnt a lot from this experience, it has made me realise how lucky i am for the life i have(im healthy, i have a family, a house, education). I felt so bad with myslef after visiting the poor areas of my country.They are so vulnerable :(. I wish i could change the harsh reality of my fellow Salvadoreans, but i know that it will take a lot of effort and willigness from the goverment to overcome this situation. I know the reality El Salvador is in  because i am living it, i know what it is like  . But it makes me so sad that there are people living in a worse situation. It makes me angry how unfair life is sometimes !!.=(
    Overall, i am grateful of having this experience as i was able to help and share with the people from Caluco...you cant belive how kind and honest they are, specially the kids from the school...i also had the opportunity to meet this foreing people and practice my english with them, it made me so HAPPY the fact that they enjoyed being in El Salvador !!!! i could show them how beautiful my country is... i hope they come back next year.

    anywayssssssssss, i will be updating soon  !!!

    God bless you all!!

    Soni :)

    miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

    Centroamericanos report !!!

    A lot of things have passed since the last time i posted..
     I went to Panama to compete in the central american games which was an unique experience for me regardless the problems i had had  the pre rece weeks.
    So 2 weeks before the big race we were told that El Salvador was going to the games and i was kind of ...aaay omg  =O since i knew i hadnt been training steadily because of some issues  and a brutal bronquitis that attacked me just days before my depature,  i had no expectations.
    I was quite happy, though, because God had given me another chance to race outside El Salvador and to catch up with my  friends and also to make new ones :) and that´s what i love from triatlon.But my biggest concern was the fact that i didnt have a bike (because mine was broken  and needed a lot of changes)..Luckily  my friend Henry lended me his bike  and i just changed my  wheels and put them to his.
    We stayed in Panama city a complete day and the following afternoon we headed to Colon where the triatlon was going to take place in. My hotel room had a wonderful sight of the Atlantic, the canal and ships wandering in the ocean. So delighting!!!soo i  took lots of pics jajajajaja....
    I shared room with Jessica, i was soo excited for her since she has only 2 years competing in triatlon and she has improved her level. I loved her discipline and humbleness, she is just amazing and a role model :D. Also my other teammate was Bea, who has been doing mountain bike, i love  being with her since she has a great sense of humour, she just spreads joy to all of us. Also, i must thank her husband because his advise was useful for me. I enjoyed being around them..... and for the first time i felt so happy that ESA female team was complete!!! :).  
    The day before the race  we were taken to see the swim -bike- run course..Panamanian organisation was so neat and we all are grateful to them, they are the best host ever!!! Every country had its own van and the place was so beautiful !!!!! the heat killed us that day , though!!!
    Race day: I was sooooo nervious and i had no expectations but once i was on the start line i felt excitement and i realised how lucky i was being amongst all those strong girls so i just tried to enjoy every minute of it. The swimming was very rough and wavy, i didnt feel strong  but i just tried to forget the pain,,,, i exited the water with a Panamanian girl but 4 girls were ahead of us, the 3 costa rican girls and a honduran...We tried to work together but my legs hurt so badly and my lack of training, specially biking ,showed up that day...i just couldnt pull up the way i wanted and stay a good pace and also my back hurt horribly since the handlebar and the stem was too long for me :( and the wheels were swinging :(....So in the 3rd lap we were caught by 2 other girls who were working well together and i managed to follow them, somehow i felt pretty good and we were ready to run. The heat was soooo uncool and i felt like dying but mind plays the body so i just focused on finishing the race.At the end i sprinted with a costa rican girl and i crossed the finish line in 4th. In the other hand, the boys didnt have the expected results, Carlos was supossed to be in the top 3, so was Joaquin. But for me they did great as well, they came 8th, 9th and Tavo was 11th i guess, i am def proud of them. Bea and Jessica did a great race as well and i am so proud of them too, I was so lucky to have them as part of the team . The main winner was Leonardo Chacon from Costa Rica, i respect him so much and im so happy i met him, he´s one of the friendliest persons ever!! i admire his humbleness and kindness, i learnt a lot from him.  I was so shocked since i never thought  i was going to be in the top 5. Some people had told me that i didnt deserve to perform in the games because i had no capacity and skills for this race :( ,however, i knew my family and good friends would back me up!!!! so  i was happy and i realised if i had trained for that race, maybe i would have climbed a higher place... so i was very pleased. Second day was a team relay mini triatlon and we came 3rd...i had so much fun since everybody is supporting  their teammates.

    This was  one of my favourite journeys i have had, i had so much fun and i met new people. You know there  is always someone there with you even if others dont believe in you, and i thank God, my family, my coaches, ESA tri federation and friends here in ESA, friends who were there in Panama, triatlon friends and everybody who was there with me...

    jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

    jueves, 1 de abril de 2010

    Hectic times!!

    It has been ages since i posted. Uni has been demanding lately!! tons of homework to be done for next week ;S!!!!, exams, presentations,etc. (so annoying) :S
    As for training , i have been doing sprint distance races and cycling races as well (fun and painful).  I´ve felt pretty smooth and fast even though i havent trained enough. Racing keeps your body  active i guess.
    This week has been frustrating,though   since i got sick (throat infection and fever :( ) and i have been unable to train, i can barely say a word, whenever i want to laugh or talk it hurts so bad so i will be away of training this week i guess :( . Hopefully  it will take one or 3 more days to get better.

    update soon...

    domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010

    a very special blog!!

    Last time i told you how i was feeling lately, the truth is that these 4 weeks have made me appreciate what i have and i realize how lucky i am for being surrounded by such an awesome people. The problem is when one of the 2 most important people in your life gets hurt or ill and you feel so useless since you cannot do anything to make him feel better.

    The #1 man in my life is sick (dont get me wrong .....i´m not talking about a boy ok!!!), my dad has been in the hospital (this is the 3rd week) because of his high pressure, as a consequence, his nervous system has been damaged ...

    I just want all the readers to pray for him please, he is the nicest person in the world. I´m so grateful to God for having the family i have and i will never stop reminding you to love and respect your parents since they are the only ones who really want the best for you. Don´t forget it!!!
    Papi vos sabes q te extraño y quiero mucho ojala pronto salgas y estes con nosotros otra vez...Dios t bendiga!!

    jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

    a quick post!

    Hey!! apologies for the lack of posting (agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain) ....i don´t feel like writting now since ive been feeling deppressed, sad, tired and overwhelmed these last few weeks ..

    Today was a good day, though

    i´ll keep you updated tomorrow i promise :)


    viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010


    I know ive been quite lazy of posting haha
    Last time i told you about my sporting life, didnt i?

    Ok, yea.. i started off 2010 possitively :) yupiiiiii...i had the opportunity to travel to South America (Chile / Argentina) What a beautiful places i have to say!!!!! i had never been there before and i still miss being there :( I met such a nice people there, i have to thank Gustavo Svane and Rodrigo Bascuñan who were supporting me when i was there...I spent like 2 weeks there and before my trip, my body felt restless and nervious since i was gonna go by my own and i always reminded to my mum "aaay mami ,i dont know anybody there","wtf i dont wanna be alone","what if i dont make any friends ?", "am i gonna b alright?"and all those thoughts. I just tried to erase them from my mind

    Well, my first stop was Chile =) El Salvador-Lima, Peru(4 horas)/ Lima-Santiago(like 3 hours i guess) ,i landed in Santiago at 3 am and it was cold( you may say im a chicken jajaja cz im used to hot weather ) anyways... i had to wait until i was picked up:)..then, i gathered with some Brazilian athletes and we headed up to Viña del Mar....oooooommmgggg i was so excited cz its one of the most beautiful places ive ever been....Then, at the hotel we met Luciano Farias from Argentina , the Spainards, Elizabeth from Ecuador,my friends fromPuerto Rico, the Americans, the Japanese and the Italian guys...

    It was soo nice training with them that i felt like a PRO!!!--->who would tell!!!! jajaja... i also had a flat tire 2 tmes :S wtf!!! Thankfully Mauro, Matheus and Luciano helped me out (gracias nenes!!!!)... i have 2 tell that i suffered whilst swimming because it was freaking colddd... once the water splashed my face i felt like %$·(".... but i got used to it and the boys were always there with me....The run was also pretty nice!!!i felt smooth but once the guys started to push the pace, i lost my breathing hahaha but then they slowed down and waited for me :)

    As for the race, it was soo the opposite since my swimming was awful and the coldness killed me...:( next time it will be better hopefully...nice experience, though

    Salvadorean flag ;)

    Then, off to Argentina!!!!!! the guys and i landed in Buenos Aires at 11am i guess...we headed out to the bus station and waited for our bus to La Paz....We got there soooooooo much after the estimated time (more than the 7 hours that takes from Buenos Aires to La Paz) since it was raining so hard and the bus had technical problems :S...I couldnt even sleep since something in the bus´ceiling was dripping and it fell over me:S

    As soon as we got to La Paz, it was chilly and rainy,, our bikes got there afterwards...

    I rested up a bit cz i was exhausted physically and mentally.. then the boys and me went for a swim in Paraná River!!!!!!! omg i was frightened since i hadnt swum in a river before,, and the current looked quite strong!!!!!! wetsuits werent needed, though
    Luckily, i managed to control my nerviousness and we hit the water...i was safe!!! yup, yup!! i made it:),,yummy lunch with Mauro and Matheus...then back to our hotel..

    haha, the boys!!!

    Next day, a ride with the guys..but then my tire didnt work again and i have to go back to the hotel :(, thankfully some nice people gave me a lift to the town...then, a lovely ride with the Italians!!! 2 hour-easy ....I have to thank them also cz they were so kind to me even though i didnt speak any Italian jajaja so GRAZIE to them....
    after swimming ;)

    I managed to train with almost everybody there, i loved swimming with the Americans, i never though i would swim with them, theyre so fast and have an admirable technique so training with them was so nice.I also have to thank the American Coach, Ian Murray, also the girls Margie and Jasmine, Nick, Henry, Chris and all the team USA for being so warmth and leting me traing with them:), i appreciate it.

    I enjoyed the friday carnival !!! what a beautiful place!!!! people is so polite and La Paz is all about TRiatlon...All the elite triatletes were walking at the plaza and a the hole parade was full of joy and all of us had a great time..:)

    tan lines;) fun, fun, fun

    Race day, aaaaaaay i will never forget that day, i was so nervious because i didnt have a good performance in Chile, but i was determined to give a good performance..

    The race started at 1:00 pm...the sun was shining like never before, the temperature was so hot that water was essencial and i was pretty scared of fainting, cramps, fatigue,etc.

    It was the weirdest swimming i have ever done, it was fun, though... We were taken to the start line 1500m upstream...i felt like eternity and all the girls were excited because the people were so supportive...i managed to swim in the second pack, then, jumped on the bike with the same girls (9 laps!!!) and the leaders were like 1:30 min ahead us...We caught some girls but in the 7th lap, my legs were killing me and it seemed that fatigue and tiredness had kicked in!!!

    Once i started to run, i didnt feel my legs but i tried to find my pace...I finished 11th overall (Elite) it was nice for being my first panamerican cup and the level was high!!

    me and my braids flying in the air ;)
    I felt releived, got a nice massage post-race, got our bikinis in, ice cream :), and we were ready to cheer the boys!!!! They were sooo impressive, i admire them i wish i could be as fast as them :) ...i learnt a lot from this race, and i realized how lucky and blessed i am...it was the best experience ive ever had!!!

    aaand the boys running hard!!

    Thousand of thanks to my family, friends, PATCO, ESA tri federation and my coaches for helping me all the way :)

    viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010

    Im still alive!!!

    As you could notice, i hadnt posted anything since a looong time ago....sorry for the lack of blogging but i did not remember neither my password and my details jaja

    So, what have i been up to these 2 years??

    well, im at uni right know (4th year) and surprisengly im still practicing and participating in triathlon races :).(who would tell !!!!!) ,,anyways this year i started off my racing season with 2 panamerican races in South America.. i was quite scared at the beginning but i had a blast =)

    I will tell you how it went later cz i must feed my parrot right now hehe
    pics coming soon

    see you