YGA Spring Conference 2016, Copenhagen

YGA Spring Conference 2016, Copenhagen

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

What i have been up to lately

I am just 2 weeks away from one of the most important days of my life. It will be a tough challenge, i know, yet i am willing to face it!! Even though i am nervous, i wont be worrying about things that are out of my control such as the ocean streams, bike crashes, punctures or how experienced are some of the people i will be racing with; i believe in myself and i shall focus on the things i have control of.

Fotos of what ive been up to these weeks, cheers...

martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

Within 4 weeks...

Hi !!! This time i just want you all to know what i will be up to throughout these 4 weeks ...

I headed to San Salvador yesterday to enroll on the race that will mark the pinnacle of this year (i guess).. jajaja  Ive never done an ironman before and i always wanted to experience what it was like ; well, I believe i will know so within four weeksssssssss!! Yepp, thats what it is, I will race on what will be my FIRST half-ironman everrrrrrrrrr... I will have my debut on October 5th, which is not that far away!!

I know, It is a looooong race and it takes your endurance from every part of your body and you must be mentally ready in order to through yourself out there!!! So I am working on it  :)
It will be a tough challenge but i believe i can get through it, i hope so !!! I have been doing a lot  of long runs and I have been swimming 3 times a week, which is not enough, but i dont have so much time availability.

My main goal is to get there, cross that finish line no matter what and give my best, It would be awesome to be part of the top 5, but since it is my first experience, i will be very careful to not overforce my body in order to avoid ugly situations. A friend of mine is kindly  lending me his bicycle and I am just hoping for the best!

Pray for me and wish me luck, thank you all for the support :D !!!