YGA Spring Conference 2016, Copenhagen

YGA Spring Conference 2016, Copenhagen

domingo, 18 de mayo de 2014

Tri May

Yesterday I raced my third triathlon of the year. I believe It was the toughest tri I have ever done in years; I kind of knew It was going to be hard, specially the bike part, since It was a pretty much all-hilly-venue, 36.5kms, however, this time the bike was all about suffering!!
I had an excellent swim, pherhaps one the best swims I have done in my entire life, I did not know how but I ended up with the first group jajajaja.. However, once I got out of the lake, my legs felt empty, I ended up riding the entire course solo, I had no power to get anyone´s wheel so the only thing I knew was I wanted to get to T2. Once I started to run I felt grateful and I finished in 3rd slot, which was a great result regardless zero bike-run training throughout the last 3 weeks. 
I am so happy I am still involved in the sport even though I have no time availability for training anymore, only 3 days of the week when I am not a busy bee... Congratulations to all my fellow Salvadoran friends who dared to complete yesterday´s challenge !!! :D


I wish I could have enjoyed the stunning view

Getting to finish line feels amazing

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