YGA Spring Conference 2016, Copenhagen

YGA Spring Conference 2016, Copenhagen

jueves, 28 de abril de 2011

Back to reality, 3rd and final stage kicks off !

Hello!!yeeeaaa i´m still alive jeje, and back from my well-deserved holidays. I had soo much fun last week that you can´t imagine!!!!i am going to post a Semana Santa post later i promise :).
Well, my headline says: "3rd period is finally here" which means 5 weeks left and the semester is over!!!! unbelievable :S, but now i am going to write a breaf and concise post.
I am back on bussiness again, i had even forgotten that i had a duty to complete (4 more weeks doing the teaching stuff). Yepp, a new group, new teacher, new expectation, new faces,etc. and as the previous time i had issues =(. First, after contacting my tutor, he made me a petition: "to teach on Tuesday", i agreed of course without knowing that the lesson was not going to be sent to me :(. I panicked as normal, i felt very concerned and left lots of messages on his fb but my tutor never replied until i sent a message saying that i was going to teach on Wednesday since i had no lesson plan!! How was i going to deliver my class without having no clue about the topic?? i was not going to invent and be the clown of the day in front of the new students!
Thankfully, the good news was that a classmate kindly sent me the lesson plan to me :), i felt sooo relieved!!
I must point out that the LP was never sent to me by the tutor :(. Leaving that behind, the class started at 11 am, i was at the Uni 20 min before and the students started to arrive.
 This group is quite different, lots of boys and just few girls whilst there should be the opposite, shouldn´t there? jeje. Furthermore, there are a couple of restless boys  that make the class funny sometimes,but not always, i had to raise my voice to them few times. There are some shy guys too. A bit of everything. There was a momment where i messed  up with an activity explanation, i dont know what happened there, i was explaining a drawing i had done in the board for them to understand the topic there is / there are; but somehow i couldn´t give my direcions clearly and i got sooo nervious that i said in spanish : "aay perdon ya me trabe toda ". i felt sooo embarrased but then i said: "it´s alright, Sonita just relax and don´t feel intimidated"
The good thing was that i could redeem myself and explain everything clearly and without rushing, they did well in the activity.
At this point i cannot judge their personalities nor behavior since it was the first class but overall, i think i did a good job. I made my mistakes but the class didn´t suck either. I hope this period´s grades are fair unlike the last one, otherwise, i am going to keep calling to myself "miss misfortune".


3 comentarios:

Teacher Yenni dijo...

Good job Monita... I really enjoyed reading your entry. I hope everything goes well in this third teaching mission. Just relax and think that you have all the potential to do everything you want to... Just believe in yourself...

Anónimo dijo...

thank you mriss

Ockap Lemyc dijo...

Hahahahahaha I cannot stop laughing Muñeca you are so funny... the part I enjoyed the most was the one in which you describe that you were so nervous that you spoke in Spanish. How could you said such words:"aay perdon ya me trabe toda " hahaha LOL... Well, now its time to be serious. I have to say that do not feel so worried about being in front of your students. I know how hard is to be in front of basic students by the time you are trying to explain something and they look at you like saying:I don´t understand anything!!! that sucks, but just relax and take it easy next time.. Good luck!