YGA Spring Conference 2016, Copenhagen

YGA Spring Conference 2016, Copenhagen

domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

Hallo Österreich =), und Europa!

My first EVER European experience came out of the blue! I would have never pictured myself in Austria, Germany and Hungary 3 months ago but I am so happy and grateful I got to see another beautiful spot of this big, but small world.

Radio communication is very important in a peacekeeping mission !!

Awesome team

So yes, the reason I was sent to the Old Continent was a Training Course on Civilian Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding,  I was one of the lucky folks who were awarded a scholarship funded by the Austrian Government (Danke, Danke, Dankeeeeeeschuuund for trusting meeee =) !!! ), so that was a big motivator to embark this 3 week journey!

Happy after a long day

The venue was the stunning Peace Castle located  in a town called Stadtschlaining, which is in the Burgenland province. I was a bit scared at the beginning since I had never been to Europe before nor never have I ever experienced such an advanced  peacekeeping training, specially because of my lack of experience, however, it turned out to be more than just a theoretical matter but I could internalise and experience the actual role of peacekeepers whilst exposed on the field.

Study case !!!

Map reading and radio communication :)

We learnt a variety of skills such as how to act and behave in different situations and areas where peace has been disrupted; moreover,  we also analysed the role of  IGOs, NGOs, peacekeepers, host societies, civilians, military occupants, etc. when being exposed in risky, vulnerable or post-conflict areas. Last but not least, we learnt how to act within our mission mandates! One of IPT goals is "enhancing desirable personal attitudes, stressing the importance of active involvement in the host society and promoting a reflective and critical approach", therefore, there is a strong attachment between myself and every theorethical and practical experience gained whilst taking part in this trainning, specially, because I live in a country that is going through a ongoing, yet still rough, transitional period since the civil war in the 80s!

lectures :)

Mine Field exersice!!!!
Some other skills leant during this training were radio communication, map reading, stress and conflict management and surviving mine fields. Believe it or not, those are important when being deployed for a mission! The most exciting part was the 4x4 driving exercise, which consisted in driving a 4x4 wheeled car in hazardous environments, Finally, we got to see beautiful cities such as Oberwart and Vienna, which are full of culture and history! My friends and me also toured Szombathely, Hungary and I spent some hours in Frankfurt, Germany!

Radio Communication theory

Practising some mediation !! 

Overall, Europe was a such a meaningful experience in all senses and I really wish to go back, either for masters, another related course or an internship, that would be AMAZINGGGGGGG, I made so many friends from all over the world but at the same time, I reunited with old friends from my last exchange program in Montana (how cooler could have this experience been ????!!!).

Big thanks to my parents, who always support me in all ways, my professors and lecturers, whom I learnt so much from, my advisors, the Austrian Gov´t ,obviously!! :), and ALL my lovely friends who came across my path, and whom I had so much fun with. It would not have been a success without all your support and guidance!!


Finally, for those who have asked me how and when to apply, just visit this website and stay tuned with the next call for applications regarding IPT,,, good luck in advance  :)


More pictures belowwww, enjoyyyyy !!!!

OSCE Officer mission was a success
I was so honoured to be a OSCE Officer for a day!

ASPR card :)

Watch out everyone ;) jajja

Me expressing my gratefulness after such an amazing course

My study place :)

My Bozeman friends Greta and Eric :D

Girls can also change huge tires ;)

I love EU and Austria 

Bike ride in Vienna !!

Yeaaah, I drove these 2 4x4 Machines jejjejjeje ;)