a lot has happened since i last posted, unfortunately almost anything exciting has been part of it...
These past months have been insanely busy though
Im going to quickly list what i have been up to
- Im going ISSS to therapy 3 days weekly .
- I have been teaching to children in a public school for a month.
- My arm is still in pain but hopefully recovery will come soon.
- Walking my parrots has become a rutine ;) ....really enjoy hanging out with them i love them!!
- Insted of swimming, i use my time either running or gym
- Watching the boys hit the pool makes me envious of them :(
- Homework, presentations, homework, exams, homework,exams, class, examenes , tareas, clases uusssh drives me nuts
- Just in this last few moths i have read 4 books(Great Expectations, Sense and Sensibility, Macbeth and Frankeinstein) without counting the ones i read the rest of the year!! a new PB for me jaja.... i just figured out that reading has become a hobby now =) which im enjoying a lot.
Yesterday, i made a presentation about SUPERVOLCANOS at Uni, and i was socked that a volcano in indonesia released its fury.After an earthquake and a tsunami , a volcano?? whats next???:S, i feel sad for this people, it shouldnt happen specially to vulnerable places . Today a Russian volacano woke up too. Nature is warning us and this may be the response more nature is giving. So i invite everybody to cheak our actions towards it. Later on, the consequences will hit us if we keep mistreating this wonderful world we call Earth; and maybe the wise words of WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE make us think deeply ;)
"Life is tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"
Soni :)