YGA Spring Conference 2016, Copenhagen

YGA Spring Conference 2016, Copenhagen

domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014

My first "Trail Race" of the year

Today I raced in one of the most beautiful archeological places of El Salvador, Joya de Cerén. Regardless my lack of running training, I signed in for the 5k course. I knew the trail  was going to be messy, wet and muddy , specially after a super-duper-hiper-incredibly RAINY night.

The race was scheduled for 8 am yet it was delayed a couple of minutes later! Once we were off, I rapidly placed myself in second, but very close to the 1st girl. I was surprised because I was feeling good and I even could see the first boys 200 meters ahead of me (during the first 2k of course). Once we entered the muddy road, i started to see puddles everywhere, small ones, though! I thought i was going to be okey  since I could just jump in order to avoid them; however, the further we went, the bigger the puddles were, so I was forced run on them since there was no clean space.... Once I got to the return, I did not care about puddles and the mud anymore, I could see the girl holding the 3rd slot was coming far from me so I just ran as steady and confortable as I could ; pherhaps  the hardest part of the race was the final 500 mts. since we had to run over the steep archaeological pyramids, and then head to the finish line!

I am really happy with my outcome today and i also enjoyed the atmosphere that is created when races take place! It is great to see more people involved in sports because It contributes to the promotion of a healthy and peaceful culture, specially after seeing the horrible news during this past weekend.  

Such a fun day indeed!! 


Thanks #RunElSalvador & #PhotoRunnerSV for the pictures :)

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